Thursday, August 23, 2007


Ador [ ā-dōr ]
1. the empire of Ador.
2. the city of Ador.
[Origin: unknown; a the + dor or dar heart]

Bada [bah-dah]
1. a word literally meaning baby or child.
[Origin: Uruthe]

Barryni [bah-ri-nee] double r's are rolled
1. a neighboring tribe of the Suuthe along with numerous others living in the Northern Steppes.

Freth [freth]
1. strips of dried meat.

Gohl [gohl]
1. a large animal common to Uruthe (the Northern Steppes) used as a staple subsistence resource to indigenous tribes.
[Origin: Uruthe]

Uruthe or Northern Steppes
1. an area of land approximately one-thousand miles north-north-west of the city Ador. The steppes lie just beyond the Dragonback Mountains.

Suuthe [suuth]
1. a tribe of the Northern Steppes.

Trew [trew]
1. a root much like a turnip; the tuber itself is white in color with grainy blue stripes running length-wise. It is particularly bitter when eaten raw, but when cooked loses it's bitterness and truly becomes a savory delicacy. The leaves are brilliant red and a highly poisonous resin can be extracted from them.

Tuok [too-och]
1. a traditional breakfast of the Suuthe consisting of freth, trew and herbs for seasoning.

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